BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT!! Announcing Arrival of Media Training for Academics online course

birthannouncement--media-trainingMy wife and I welcomed two boys into the world in the last three years. Now, I want to introduce my newest “baby”: the Media Training for Academics online course! See image above for key characteristics!

The course covers how professors, researchers and PhD students can communicate their research and ideas through owned media (content they own, like a blog or website), earned media (traditional media relations), and shared media (social media). This will help academics, regardless of their discipline, in the following ways:

  • Promote programs, books and ideas
  • Establish a digital communications presence
  • Expand their network
  • Put knowledge to the service of society
  • Increase their visibility, both for themselves individually and their institution.

As academics are busy, this course is available on demand. It is available in video format, audio or written transcripts, enabling academics to get trained when, where and how they want. Each session comes with a reference guide that will enable academics to apply the learnings to their particular context.

University communicators can scale media trainings at their institutions using our annual license. Consequently, more academics are mobilized to be positive ambassadors for their school’s brand.

Go to for more information. There are two free demo sessions that will give you a glimpse into how the course can help academics advance in their career. If you don’t work in higher education, perhaps you would be willing to share this “birth announcement” with those in your network that do work in higher education.

As the African proverb goes: “it takes a village to raise a child”. I would welcome any feedback that would enhance the course so its further benefits academics, university communicators and institutions around the world!