Author: Kevin Anselmo

  • What is your social media storyline?

    Hypothetical – you are planning a trip to Bora Bora. You can spend hours reading books, watching videos and asking your friends about Bora Bora. Surely this will provide some insights but nothing compares to being there in person. Ditto for exploring any social media channel. Strategizing will only take you so far and sometimes…

  • Restoring trust through open communications

    Do you trust banks’ press releases? When a Fortune 500 CEO gives a talk about the company’s outlook, is he/she believable? Do you think organizations’ claims about being sustainable and environmentally friendly are really accurate? Do you feel that your superiors and senior leadership are honest? If you reflect public opinion, odds are your answers…

  • Bucking the western trends – the media landscape in India

    Trivia – which newspaper listed has the highest circulation? a)     The Times of London b)     The New York Times c)     The Wall Street Journal d)     The Times of India

  • Communications advice from Mexico’s Tourism Secretary – “Focus on your Assets”

    Let’s play word association – what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Mexico? Do you think of Mexico’s beautiful beaches? Immigration? Danger? Or do you think about some other unique and positive attribute of Mexico? Gloria Guevara Manzo contemplates such questions as the country’s Tourism Secretary. She’s…

  • Communicating impact as a global think tank

    Communicating impact as a global think tank

    We all want our communications to generate impact among our audiences. But how does one do that when your key audience is Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and other prominent policy makers? Tom Carver contemplates this question as the head of global communications at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated…

  • Global education in your own backyard

    The questions were a combination of basic, naive and cute. But as an underprivileged group of 8th grade students in Durham, North Carolina watched country profile videos and interacted with Duke Cross Continent MBA students from India, Spain, Qatar and China, it was clear that many of the young kids’ interest was peaked about the world. The…