Author: Kevin Anselmo
Introducing my new podcast: FIR on Higher Education with Kevin Anselmo
How can academics effectively promote their ideas to general audiences? What are the best ways to teach social media and public relations in the classroom? What is best practice for communicators and marketers within the world of higher education? How will MOOCs and new technology impact the industry?
The meaning behind my company name – Experiential Communications
My wife and I had the pleasure of naming our first child in 2012. Like all parents, we wanted something different and unique that would personify our son. We chose Luca Salvatore. The name reflects my Italian heritage and Salvatore is the name of my grandfather. Luca is also one of the most popular names…
Why every academic needs to think about external communications
Most university models financially reward teaching and research. Press visibility may be considered a bonus or contribution towards “good citizenship” (whatever that means), while some institutions don’t look highly upon those doing media work as it takes away from research (a mindset that desperately needs changing, in my opinion). I have worked with many different…
What bad content marketers and annoying people at social gatherings have in common
You are at a social gathering and don’t know many people in attendance. You are looking to engage in an interesting conversation. Finally, it happens – you connect with a new person and start to converse. However, after a few minutes, you feel trapped. The other person – let’s call him Joe – begins a…