Category: Other

  • Why every academic needs to think about external communications

    Most university models financially reward teaching and research. Press visibility may be considered a bonus or contribution towards “good citizenship” (whatever that means), while some institutions don’t look highly upon those doing media work as it takes away from research (a mindset that desperately needs changing, in my opinion). I have worked with many different…

  • What bad content marketers and annoying people at social gatherings have in common

    You are at a social gathering and don’t know many people in attendance. You are looking to engage in an interesting conversation. Finally, it happens – you connect with a new person and start to converse. However, after a few minutes, you feel trapped. The other person – let’s call him Joe – begins a…

  • Public relations advice for Bashar al-Assad

    Dear Mr. al-Assad, It is with the utmost sadness and frustration that I have been following the horrible war in your country over the years. I studied your Instagram account and other social media properties in detail on the same day that I learned about the destruction and grief that was brought upon your people by a…

  • Disseminating research through earned and owned media

    There is good news and bad news when it comes to academics disseminating research. On the negative side, traditional media relations is tougher than ever. The media industry is going through constant disruption. Print advertising continues to decrease, according to the latest State of the News Media 2013 Report. Many city newspapers that had been…

  • The art of translating research findings into the mainstream media

    Some 50 academics were asked if they had been trained to write for practitioner publications during a session at the Academy of Management in Orlando on Friday. Zero hands went up. At a similar session the next day, another 50 academics were asked if they had any friends or family members that didn’t understand their…

  • How to organize a media roundtable

    How to organize a media roundtable

    Experts and public relations professionals interested in building media relationships + a group of targeted journalists + good food and drink = successful media roundtable. This above formula is a rather simplistic way to go about organizing a media roundtable. This past week at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, we used this approach in…