Category: Other
Podcast Episode #26: Re-thinking how we Approach Media Training in Higher Education
Many academics are uneasy about how to communicate to external audiences. With good reason – they are trained on how to speak with academic audiences, not the general public. Thus, media training is important. On episode 26, we delve into this topic. It is a bit different than our usual show format. I just launched…
Reflections on 1 Year of Podcasting
One year ago I started my podcast – For Immediate Release (FIR) on Higher Education. That first episode published on December 26, 2013 wasn’t pretty, and not because I didn’t have a terrific guest in IMD Professor Bill Fischer. I was quite overwhelmed by everything that went into producing a good podcast. I recall spending…
Where are all the podcasting professors?
Duncan Green, a strategic advisor for Oxfam GB and author of “From Poverty to Power”, wrote an excellent post “So you’ve written the research report: what else do you need to do to ensure people actually read it?”. Duncan proposes some options and solicits readers to add to his list. This article is definitely worth…
Podcast Episode #19: Dorie Clark on Developing a Content Strategy and Lessons from the “Dean Scream”
How can academics build their individual brand? What are the new realities of book publishing? How can individuals develop a content strategy? Author and executive education instructor Dorie Clark shares insights to these questions on episode 19 of FIR on Higher Education. A former presidential campaign spokeswoman, Dorie also outlines what one should do when things don’t…