Author: Kevin Anselmo
Think Like a Media Company with your Newsletters
Trivia question #1: How many different email newsletters does the New York Times put out? (I realize that I might have lost some ardent Trump supporters at this point who don’t like referencing a so-called fake news outlet. Sorry about that. I guess.) Think about the answer to this question …… The answer is 50…
Donald Trump, Brexit and the Impact on Business Schools
One of the hallmarks of business education is “global”. It would be hard to find a business school that doesn’t highlight this word in its marketing materials. Global often refers to the make-up of the class as well as the content in the classroom. A number of business schools have applied global from a physical…
Podcast Episode #63: Christie Campbell on How to Integrate a Marketing Automation Program at a School
Has your school integrated a marketing automation program? If not, you should listen to the insights from Christie Campbell, Associate Vice President of Marketing at St. Edward’s University. Christie led St. Edward’s marketing automation program a few years ago. This year, St. Edward’s University won the Best Marketing Automation in Content Marketing by the Content…
Podcast Episode #62: How to Benefit from Medium
Have you experimented with Medium, the online publishing tool owned by Twitter? Not happy with your results? If that is the case for you and you want to discover how to change this narrative, then you will want to listen to FIR on Higher Education episode 62. Paul Redfern and Carina Situs from Gettysburg College…
Podcast Episode #61: Victor Jimenez on Using a Podcast to Sell a Program
Imagine being able to attribute the success of a podcast to over 3,000 sales of an online course. I certainly can’t vouch for this statement! However this is the reality for the guest on my latest podcast episode. Victor Jimenez is an entrepreneur whose Cycling 360 podcast has helped generate 3,000 sales of his online courses.…
Podcast Episode #60: IMD Professor James Henderson on How to Create a Compelling Lead Magnet
How do we get more butts in seats? This is a question many in marketing and admissions grapple with to some extent. A related question is how do we improve the quality of the students attending our school. Key to addressing these questions is lead generation. One way to generate new leads is by creating a…